Private cataract surgery in Crediton

Cataract surgery is a commonly conducted surgical procedure that offers an efficient solution for those afflicted with cataracts. This ailment causes a hazy formation over the eye’s lens, resulting in impaired vision. Choosing to undergo private cataract surgery in Crediton, Devon comes with a host of benefits that attract a considerable number of patients.

The entire procedure takes between 15 and 30 minutes and with the use of anaesthetic it is totally pain-free. 

We are registered with Bupa and AXA PPP Healthcare. 

AXA PPP Healthcare registered private cataract surgery in CreditonBupa registered cataract surgery

A straightforward procedure for clearer vision

Cataract extraction surgery is a commonly practiced and straightforward procedure used to remove the cloudy lens of the eye and treat cataracts. During this surgical procedure, a state-of-the-art artificial lens implant, called an intraocular lens, is delicately inserted into the eye, replacing the original lens. The results of cataract surgery often become evident immediately and can even improve visual clarity in certain cases. 

patient receiving eye drops to check for cataracts       medical laser eye correction machine checking for cataracts

Intraocular lens used for private cataract surgery in Crediton

In cataract surgery, a groundbreaking breakthrough has emerged known as an intraocular lens (IOL). This remarkable innovation is an artificial lens that is delicately inserted into the eye, mimicking the natural lens flawlessly. Designed from biocompatible and transparent materials, the IOL serves its purpose with extraordinary effectiveness.  

The primary objective of the IOL is to expertly focus light onto the retina, granting unparalleled clarity of vision. Gone are the days of the tedious routine of removing, cleansing, and replacing contact lenses. The IOL becomes a permanent fixture within the eye, requiring no arduous maintenance whatsoever. 

It is noteworthy that the IOL comes in various types, each tailored to address different levels of vision correction. These options include monofocal, multifocal, and accommodating lenses. The choice of a specific IOL depends on a multitude of factors, such as the patient’s individual lifestyle, desired visual goals, and overall ocular well-being. 


Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the symptoms and progression of cataracts is crucial. These eye conditions gradually diminish visual acuity, typically as a result of the natural aging process. As the cataracts develop, a multitude of symptoms may arise, including: 

  • A noticeable decrease in the clarity of object perception. 
  • A dulling of colour perception. 
  • Difficulties with nighttime driving, which may become increasingly challenging. 
  • Heightened sensitivity to bright lights and the presence of glare. 
  • A progressive decline in overall visual quality. 
  • Vision becoming increasingly hazy or cloudy. 
  • A diminished ability to perceive colours vividly. 
  • Frequent adjustments required in spectacle prescriptions. 


Thankfully, the field of cataract eye surgery has made significant advancements and is now a widely practiced procedure worldwide. For residents in Crediton, Devon, The Medical Eye Clinic is renowned for its exceptional team of highly skilled surgeons who possess extensive expertise in this field. As a result, patients can confidently anticipate remarkably successful outcomes from their private cataract surgery in Crediton. 


female eye with cataract      close up of an old womens eyes after successful private cataract surgery in Crediton

Advantages of opting for private cataract surgery in Crediton

Unparalleled treatment availability

One of the most significant advantages offered by private cataract surgeries is the unmatched access to treatment, setting it apart from the lengthy waiting lists of the National Health Service (NHS). 

Patients awaiting treatment through the NHS often endure a prolonged wait of six months or more before they can undergo surgery. In contrast, our private cataract surgery in Crediton ensures that patients receive scheduled treatment within just a few weeks from their initial consultation. 

Importance of timely treatment access

The swift availability of private cataract surgery in Crediton holds immense importance for numerous reasons. First and foremost, expedited treatment access helps minimise the waiting period during which a patient’s vision may deteriorate further, potentially impacting their overall quality of life. 

Daily activities such as reading, driving, and even recognising faces can become increasingly challenging, leading to frustration, dependence on others, and a diminished sense of independence. 

Furthermore, untreated cataracts can sometimes lead to other ocular complications, including chronic inflammation, glaucoma, or even severe cases of blindness. 

Consequently, the sooner patients can access treatment, the lower the likelihood of complications, and the quicker they can regain normalcy. Moreover, accelerated treatment access also helps alleviate the anxiety and stress associated with waiting for a medical procedure, ultimately contributing to an improved state of mental well-being. 

To begin your journey towards private cataract surgery in Crediton, do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team today. 


The road to recovery from private cataract surgery in Crediton

Prescribed eye medication

Following private cataract surgery in Crediton, the majority of patients notice an immediate improvement in their vision. However, full recovery typically takes a few weeks. To ensure a smooth healing process, patients are instructed to diligently apply the prescribed eye drops. These drops serve the crucial purpose of warding off potential infections and managing any inflammation in the eye. 

Protecting your eyes

For a brief period after private cataract surgery in Crediton, it is of utmost importance to avoid any activities that strain the eyes or involve excessive exertion. Additionally, it is strongly advised to shield your eyes from harmful elements such as dust and direct sunlight. The use of protective eyewear or an eye shield will safeguard your eye against these potential hazards. 

Staying on track with follow-ups

Regular follow-up appointments with your trusted ophthalmologist are crucial to ensure the healing process is progressing as expected. These appointments serve as a means to closely monitor your recovery journey. While improved visual clarity is usually restored, it is worth noting that some patients may continue to require glasses for specific tasks, such as reading or distance vision. 

Embracing the path to full restoration

The path to complete recovery from cataract surgery may seem like a journey, but with adherence to the recommended measures and close collaboration with your ophthalmologist, it is an achievable goal. By diligently following the recovery process, you can look forward to enjoying a revitalised vision in just a matter of weeks. 


If you are interested in commencing your private cataract surgery journey in Crediton Devon, we urge you to reach out to our team at your earliest convenience. You can either call our team on 01392 829436 or use our online contact form